Unquestionably, his powers come from his gigantic size, and since they have been almost doubled by his devil fruit, he possesses immense strength right now. In the recent manga chapter, he was seen lying down with a massive size equal to half of the town on that island. It allows him to get much bigger than the usual height of giants. The devil fruit’s name was revealed very recently, its name is the Deka Deka no Mi. San Juan Wolf is the only giant known to eat a devil fruit until now. The crimes he committed were so heinous that Marines had to cover it up by erasing the record. San Juan Wolf is also a level 6 prisoner who was sentenced to life in prison. He is famously known as the Colossal Battleship, which was given to him because of his size. San Juan Wolf is a part of the One Piece giant race. Devil Fruit: Deka Deka no Mi (Huge-Huge Fruit).Role: Titanic Captain of the Seventh Ship.Thus, he is the seventh strongest member of the Blackbeard Pirates and is the titanic captain of the fifth ship. However, we can be sure that Laffitte is strong because Blackbeard has stated on numerous occasions that he doesn’t want weaklings in his crew. But, we cannot be sure if he possesses any devil fruit or haki powers. Not just that, he was also seen flying with wings on his back. It has previously been mentioned that Laffitte was able to hypnotize the Marinesto open the Gates of Justice. Though, we haven’t seen much of his powers in action just yet. He has been banished due to that, and he joined this crew to continue his love for brutality. He is known as the Demon Sheriff because of his cruelty as a sheriff (police) in West Blue. Laffitte is the Navigator of the Blackbeard Pirates in One Piece. Role: Navigator, Chief of Staff, Titanic Captain of the Fifth Ship.As a result, Avalo Pizarro is currently ranked as the sixth-strongest Blackbeard Pirate on our list. Additionally, in his confrontations in Marineford, he showed outstanding fortitude.
Let’s see how Avalo can make full use of it in the future. Hence, this is one of the bizarre devil fruit powers we have seen. He ate the Shima Shima no Mi which allows him to engulf a whole island, which basically means he has absolute control over that whole island including its buildings and things on it. The devil fruit powers of this corrupt king were revealed recently. Blackbeard summoned Pizarro during his attack on Impel Down, and he is now the titanic captain of the fourth ship. He eventually acquired the moniker “ Corrupt King” in One Piece. The locals revolted against him, and as a result, he was imprisoned in Impel Down. For his oppressive rule as king of the North Blue Kingdom, he was given a life term in jail. Like most of his crewmates, Avalo Pizarro was a Level 6 prisoner in Impel Down before joining the Blackbeard Pirates. Devil Fruit: Shima Shima no Mi (Isle-Isle Fruit).Role: Titanic Captain of the Fourth Ship.