SKU: 10624 Categories: Cashews, Chocolate Covered Nuts. A snack this delicious would make a fantastic gift idea for someone special or is simply a delightful treat thats sure to make you smile. Oz Dufflet eggs elimination diet farmer's market Fat fish garlic genetically modified gluten-free gym hibiscus ice cream kale kensington market lemon Leslieville local nutrition orange Organic Paleo pancake pasta pizza quinoa recipe restaurant rice Royal Caribbean salad salmon seaweed soy sprouts Ste. Sweet, buttery flavored cashews, with their unique slightly soft texture, are coated with layers of creamy milk chocolate. Tags almond butter appetizers apples asparagus avocado beans beets boot camp breakfast brunch buckwheat burpees cabbage carrots cashew cheesecake Chicago chicken chickpeas coconut coconut oil cooking corn crepes CrossFit curry dairy-free deals dessert Dr. The Kirkland Signature Cashew Clusters are priced at 11.99 for a 2-lb bag.Otherwise you’ll be cursing me in a few weeks. I suggest keeping them at a distance or taking just a few with you in a ziplock bag. Addictive + high in calories and fat = bad news. As healthy as nuts are, you need to go easy on these.

These clusters of cashews, almonds and pumpkin seeds are the perfect snack when you’re craving something crunchy and sweet (made with cane juice). It’s the Kirkland brand but have no fear. recalls Deviled Crabs because it may contain milk and sesame seeds that were not listed as ingredients on the product label. This week it was the delicious and dangerous Cashew Clusters. But there’s usually a few newbies that sneak their way into my cart. I have a few standard purchases including almond butter, Lara Bars, avocados, quinoa, walnuts, etc. They are clusters of cashews, almonds, pumpkin seeds, salt and honey. When I’m not eating everything in my path, I’m tossing it into my cart. Cashew Clusters are a snack treat sold at Costco. Personalized health review for Kirkland Signature Cashew Clusters: 160 calories, nutrition grade (B minus), problematic ingredients, and more. Who could possibly say NO to that? One turns into two, two turns into ten, and before I know it I’ve exceeded my caloric quota for the day. Kirkland Signature Cashew Clusters, 907 g. That’s when I start rationalizing my next move it’s just a tiny piece, it’s within arms reach and it’s free. Every corner I turn there she is…an apron-clad woman offering bite-sized pieces of double cheese pizza, caramel brownie cheesecake or something else I really shouldn’t be eating. I walk in with the intention of buying a few “necessities” and end up spending my paycheck on “stuff” I hardly need or have room for. An innocent trip to Costco always gets me into trouble.